Sylt (SYnchrotron Longitudinal Tracker) is a python package used to conveniently describe and analyse realistic longitudinal beam dynamics simulations in synchrotrons.
The Bunch, Ring, and Tracker objects must be imported.
from sylt.tracking import Bunch, Ring, Tracker
To demonstrate Single Particle Motion, a basic ring can be instantiated by
ring = Ring(
R=100, # machine radius (m)
h=8, # rf harmonic
Vg=80e3, # gap voltage (V)
gamma_t=6.1, # transition
A bivariate gaussian bunch can be generated with
bunch = Bunch(
E=2.938272e9, # particle energy (eV)
n=50e3, # number of macroparticles
sig_w=4e6, # rms energy width
sig_tau=30e-9, # rms bunch length
To incorporate intensity effects, a nonzero beam intensity and rms transverse emittance must be defined with respect to the transverse optics and aperture constraints.
bunch.N = 200e12 # number of particles
bunch.sig_eps = 3e-6 # rms transverse emittance (m)
ring.b = (73e-3, 35e-3) # beam pipe aperture radius (m)
ring.beta = 17 # average beta function
ring.D = (2.66, 0) # average dispersion function
To incorporate the effects of transverse motion, individual particle emittance need to be generated by indicating.
bunch.eps = None
To track, define a tracker using Tracker and use the track method.
tracker = Tracker(bunch, ring)
for turn in range(10_000):
At any point, the bunch’s phase space distribution can be visualized using show. Particle’s whose trajectories are knowingly unstable can be marked by using the clean method.
By setting Tracker.UPDATE = False
, macroparticles can be evaluated as ghost particles wherein the characteristic bunch statistics used to determine induced space charge voltage are held constant. Accordingly, the tune spread of single particle motion (SPM), tune shift of space charge (SC) and tune blur due to effects of transverse motion (TM) can be compared by tracking the evolution of monoenergetic ghost particles.
trackers = {
'SPM': Tracker(Bunch(E, sig_tau, sig_w, n), ring),
'SPM+SC': Tracker(Bunch(E, sig_tau, sig_w, n, N, sig_eps), ring),
'SPM+SC+TM': Tracker(Bunch(E, sig_tau, sig_w, n, N, sig_eps, eps=None), ring)
for key, tracker in trackers.items():
tracker.UPDATE = False
for turn in range(2_000):
ax.plot(tracker.bunch.tau, tracker.bunch.w, label=key)
The relative time evolution of particles can be assessed by appending time data into an array and then computing an FFT to return a particle’s synchrotron frequency as a function of it’s maximum oscillation amplitude.
DATA = {}
for i, (key, tracker) in enumerate(trackers.items()):
tracker.UPDATE = False
tau = []
for turn in range(500_000):
tau_hat, f = compute_synchrotron_frequency(np.array(tau), tracker.T)
DATA[key] = {
'phi_hat': ring.h*tracker.omega*tau_hat,
'mu': 2*np.pi*f/tracker.Omega.real,
The evolving relative time data can be processed and depicted as a synchrotron frequency spectrum with using sylt.plotting.plot_tune.
A. Laut and A. Lasheen, “Influence of Transverse Motion on Longitudinal Space Charge in the CERN PS,” presented at the 64th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop, Fermilab, 2021.
A. Laut, “Longitudinal Space Charge Modeling in the CERN PS,” Paris-Saclay University, 2021. http://cds.cern.ch/record/2801220