
Charged particles traversing in a slowly varying long beam will induce a wakefiled voltage given by

\[V_{W} = -\frac{i}{\omega_s}\frac{Z}{n}\frac{d\lambda}{d\tau},\]

where the longitudinal charge density is given by $\lambda(\tau)$ and the space charge impedance $Z/n$ is given by


where $g$ is the space charge geometry factor, $Z_0$ is the impedance of free space, and $n=f/f_s$.

Induced Voltage

The induced voltage gradient due to space charge can therfore be written as

\[V'_{SC}(\tau) = \frac{g}{\omega_s}\frac{Z_0}{\beta_s\gamma_s^2}\frac{d^2\lambda}{d\tau^2}\]

Synchrotron Frequency Shift

The synchrotron frequency is generalized by



\[V'(\tau) = V'_{RF}(\tau)+V'_{SC}(\tau)\]


\[V'_{RF}=V_g\frac{d}{d\tau}g(\phi)\approx h\omega_s V_g\cos\varphi\]

The frequency tune shift is given by


For a parabolic distribution given by

\[\lambda(\tau) = \frac{3Q}{2L_\tau}(1-4\frac{\tau^2}{L_\tau^2})\]

and so


therefore the gradient is given by

\[V'_{SC}(\tau) = -\frac{12Q}{L_\tau^3}\frac{g}{\omega_s}\frac{Z_0}{\beta_s\gamma_s^2}\]

and so the frequency spread is shifted by a constant given vy $V’_{SC}(\tau)$

Effective Voltage

Given a distribution of particles with varying synchrotron frequency, the effective synchrotron frequency is given by

\[<\mu> = \oint\lambda(\phi)\mu(\phi)d\phi\]

For a parabolic distribution we have

\[<\mu> = \int_\infty \frac{3}{2L}(1-4\frac{\tau^2}{L^2})(1-\frac{(h\omega_s\tau)^2}{16})d\tau\] \[<\mu> = 1-\frac{\sigma_{\hat{\phi}}^2}{16}\]


\[\mu^2=\Omega^2/\Omega_s^2\propto V'(\tau)\propto V_g\]

and that

\[\mu = \Omega/\Omega_s\]

The implied gap voltage $V_g$ given by the interpreted effective voltage $$ per the synchrotron frequency and the shape function $<\mu>$, it is given by

\[V_g = \frac{<V>}{<\mu>^2}\]

This needs to include space charge tho